Advanced Skills Directorate - ASD

The ASD or Advanced Skills Directorate are responsible for the upskilling of serving members on the field in terms of Leadership Training, Training for Prosecutors and Investigators.

It consist of a Director who is a uniform officer who manages the Directorate and reports back directly to the ACP – Training.

  • ASD consist of Detective training programs,
  • Prosecution Training,
  • Leadership training,
  • Traffice Training and
  • Driving School.

Dectetive training programs,Prosecution Training,

  1. Certificate in Prosecution
  2. Diploma in Prosecution
  3. Leadership training,
  4. Non Commisdoned officers leadership and supervision course
  5. Command, Control and Cordination Course
  6. HUman RightsTraffice Training and
  7. Basic Traffic
  8. TrafficDriving School.
    – Driving Course